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To ensure optimal functionality, chewing function, and compatibility with the structure of the Customer’s teeth, it is typically necessary to partially grind the tooth surface for porcelain veneer placement. This procedure facilitates creating space for the veneer, improves cleaning ability...
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Can dental implants be covered with porcelain crowns?
Similar to natural teeth, dental implants consist of two main components: the implant body and the abutment. The implant body, typically made of titanium, serves as the root structure and is surgically placed into the jawbone. The abutment is the...
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Why is pediatric dentistry becoming increasingly important?
Nowadays, in addition to education and nutrition, ensuring that children have healthy and beautiful teeth from the start will bring them numerous benefits as they grow up. The habit of oral care is extremely important. It helps children develop a...
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DT DENTAL – The perfect choice for customers
DT Dental is a reputable dental clinic specializing in cosmetic dental implantation, committed to providing customers with a lifetime of strong, healthy, and beautiful smiles. 1. The highly specialized team of doctors conducts direct consultations and treatments DT Dental gathers...
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